

聖堂入口の肖像『グアダルーペの聖母』について (聖堂朝礼のお話より)








 しかし次の日、ファンの年老いたおじは重い病気になってしまい、彼は約束した丘へは行かずに、おじの家に行きました。おじはこう言いました、「わしはもう死ぬ。司祭を呼んで、最後の祈りをしてくれ。」 翌日、ファンはおじの家を出て司祭を呼んできましたが、女性との約束通りにあの丘へ戻らなかったことを恥ずかしく思って、その丘には近づきませんでした。彼は別の道を通って街に向かいましたが、神父を探しに行く途中で、あの女性が再び彼の前に現れました。「心配しなくても大丈夫です。あなたのおじさんは死にません。彼の健康も回復していますから。さあ、あの丘に戻って司教に渡すしるしを探してください。そこには花が咲いているでしょう」。その瞬間、おじの病気は完全に治りました。真冬で、霜が降りた地面に育つ植物はサボテンとアザミだけでしたが、ファンは単純な男だったので、尋ねることも、疑うこともせず、もう一度その丘に登ることにしました。丘へ着くと、美しい女性が言ったとおり、地面に美しいバラが咲いていました。





 実は、純心のルルド館の聖堂 入口には、その聖母像の実物大のコピーが飾ってあります。私がこの話をしようと思ったのは、本当にマリア様のお陰かもしれません。このグアダルーペの奇跡は、今でも科学者たちを困惑させます。というのも、何年経っても布地の色が少しも いろあせないからです。 







        One early winter morning, a poor man walked up a quiet hill just outside the city center. On his way to attend Mass, he suddenly heard beautiful music. He looked around and his eyes landed on a beautiful woman. She called his name, saying, “Juanito… Juanito!” Surprised because he couldn’t recognize her, so he asked, “Who are you?” “I am Mary, the mother of Jesus,” she replied. “I love, protect, and care for the people in this town, so please, go to the bishop and ask him to build a church here.” Being a simple man, he didn’t ask any more questions and quickly went down to the bishop’s home. The bishop kindly opened the door and listened to the man’s story. However, it seemed too unbelievable and he doubted it. Juan climbed up the hill once more and found the beautiful lady. Telling her that the bishop refused the request, the lady said, “Please ask him again.” 

        The next day, the man walked a long way back to the bishop’s home again. He insisted that it was the Blessed Virgin who had requested for the church to be built. “Look, you’ll have to ask her for a sign to prove that you’re telling the truth,” the bishop replied. So the man climbed up the hill once more. He met the beautiful lady and told her that the bishop asked for a sign, so she said, “Come back here tomorrow and I will give it to you.” 

        The next day, however, the man’s older uncle fell very sick, so instead of going to the hill like he promised the lady, Juan visited his uncle’s home. His uncle said, “Please go fetch a priest to give me the last rites, because I think I am about to die.” 

        The following day, Juan left his uncle’s side to get a priest, but he was careful to avoid the hill, because he was too ashamed that he didn’t return the day before as he promised the lady. Though he took a different path to the city, on his way to find a priest, the lady appeared again to him. She comforted him instead and replied, “Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. Your uncle will not die, because his health has been restored. Now, go back to the hill for the sign to give to the bishop. There, you will see flowers.” At that exact moment, Juan’s uncle was completely healed of his illness. Now it was the middle of winter and the only plants that could grow on frosted ground were cacti and thistles, but Juan was a simple man. He didn’t ask or doubt, and instead, climbed up that hill once more. Sure enough, as the beautiful lady said, there were beautiful roses growing on the ground. 

        Juan wore a large coat, called a tilma, so he took it off and used it to gather the flowers. Juan then hurried down the hill and made his way to the bishop’s home. He knocked on the door, but the bishop had grown tired of his visits. “What do you want now?” He asked. “Bishop, you have to open the door. I’ve come with the sign. Here!” Then, in the living room of the Bishop’s home, Juan unfurled his tilma. Beautiful, red flowers fell one by one to the ground. And yet it wasn’t the flowers that shocked the bishop, Juan, and other priests present in the room. It was the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary that began to form on Juan’s tilma. Proven wrong, the bishop agreed to build a church on the top of Tepeyac Hill. This church is now known as the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and that tilma remains displayed in the Basilica in Mexico city even now. 

        I chose to tell you this story, because when I thought about what to talk about for this morning assembly, this story kept coming to mind. It was a story I heard from my priest friend just earlier this year. What’s really surprising is that when I finished writing this speech last Thursday on December 2nd, I looked up on the Internet when Juan Diego’s feast day was and to my surprise, it’s tomorrow, December 9th. This Sunday is also the feast day of our Lady of Guadalupe. It has been 490 years since Juan Diego unfurled his tilma to the Bishop to reveal the image of Our Lady.  

        In fact, right outside of this chapel is a life-size copy of that image of Our Lady. Perhaps it was really the Blessed Mother who inspired me to tell you this story. This miracle in Guadalupe has confounded scientists, because even after all these years, the colors of the fabric have not faded one bit. 

        Our Lady is such a special person, and I’m sure you’ve learned in religion classes and school events about the love Catholic people have for her. What I love most about her, though, is her humility. I think it’s the most beautiful trait a person could have. 

        But what does real humility look like? I think it’s recognizing the truth and living it out. Mary knew she was a mere human being with no special powers. She made miracles happen like the miracle of Guadalupe out of the grace that God gave her. In every account of her apparitions in history, not once did she take the credit for herself for those miracles. She always said, “I am nothing compared to He who is.” In fact, this is her main role in the church. she draws us to her through her great love for us and then she turns our attention, hearts, minds to the one who deserves our love most – Jesus. 

        What else does humility look like? In simple terms, it’s the opposite of pride. It’s when we admit to our mistakes and face our own shortcomings. It is being able to recognize how we contribute to a conflict or misunderstanding and owning up to that failure. There’s shame in it, but that shame is our pride burning, which can only be a good thing. 

        Being humble is not only knowing how to say sorry, but also knowing how to say thank you. When we thank someone, we admit to being on the receiving end of a lending hand, which takes humility. 

        Humility is also being able to look at your parents and recognizing the sacrifices they have made just to put you through private school. It’s being able to look at your teachers and recognizing the many hours they put in to prepare you for life after high school so you could be one step closer to reaching your dream. 

        Lastly, humility is recognizing that life is not all about you. It’s being able to accept when you don’t know or understand something and rather seeking to understand it more. Many of you aren’t Catholic and probably won’t become one in your life, but I pray that you won’t ever forget the stories and lessons you learned about God while you were here in Junshin. Even if you don’t understand who He is now, don’t let that be the end. Be a curious person. Ask the hard questions. Why do I exist? What is my life purpose? Where am I heading? Why does life end? Then without fear, seek for the answers. The person who truly seeks for truth will find it. When I was eighteen and preparing for university like you are now, I had so much uncertainty about what I believed in, my future, and even of my own identity. I asked those questions and I didn’t stop until I got the truth. Now I look at that statue of Mary, that statue of Joseph, and that cross of Jesus up there, and even that red light you see glowing by the golden box. They all point to a God who has more love for you than you could ever imagine. So let’s be humble by learning from Our Blessed Mother and St Juan Diego. If we want to live a fulfilling life, a truly happy life, humility is indeed the path to take.
